December Reflections #3

Finish 2023 with Purpose and Presence

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the third edition of my newsletter!
“Your Weekly 3xBs Dose” is not just another newsletter in your inbox. Here, you'll find ideas You can simply put into action directly. Think of it as your weekly dose of inspiration served with a side of real-world “wisdom.”

I’m Lotta Spjut, on the verge of celebrating a half-century of life, who believes in the power of sharing inspiring stories and practical advice.

If You were with me last week, I hope You took the time to test any of the Japanese philosophies. If You did, I´m sure You have already discovered some positive differences in your daily life. That´s how powerful they are.

Here´s my sharing for this week. I hope You find something valuable for your life and business this week.

We sacrifice our lives to observe those of others.

~ Rachel Macy Stafford

As December rolls in, I'm reminded of past years when this month felt more like a sprint of stress than a season of joy. I used to get caught up in the frenzy of 'perfect' holidays – homemade meals, magazine-worthy decorations, You name it. However, I've learned that the beauty of December isn't in perfection. It's in connection and embracing the imperfect.

In today's world, it's easy to get caught up in the digital whirlwind and forget about the real, tangible life happening around us. We often put off truly connecting with others and looking after ourselves, getting lost in the hustle of work, TV, and endless to-do lists. Those small, precious moments- reading bedtime stories to your kids, dancing in the rain, or enjoying a family weekend getaway- truly enrich our lives.

Time is fleeting, and every moment is priceless. Life is happening now, not 'someday.' We must seize it actively, not let it pass us by in a blur of distractions. Let's choose to live deeply, make meaningful connections, and enjoy every second of our lives.

Actionable 3xBs Tools

Body: '7-Minute Energizer'- This is your daily call to awaken body and spirit. In just five minutes, engage in dynamic exercises that strengthen your body and mind.

This ritual is not about rigor but about setting a tone of vitality for the day ahead. It's a gentle reminder that your well-being is not found in grand gestures but in small, consistent acts of self-care.

Brain: '15-Minute Evening Reflection' – Give yourself the space to reflect as the day ends. This quarter-hour is an investment in mental clarity and emotional balance.

Review the day's events, acknowledge your wins, and note areas for growth. This isn't about critique but appreciating the journey and learning from each step. It's how You grow wiser, not just older.

Business: 'Weekly Planning Ritual' – Transform anticipation into action with a 30-minute planning session each Sunday. This is where You lay the groundwork for a week of purposeful actions and over-reactive responses.

Prioritize your objectives, strategize on key tasks, and set your intentions. It's about taking control of your time before it takes control of You, ensuring that You drive your business, not vice versa.

Book Tips of the Week

“Hands Free Mama" by Rachel Macy Stafford

Discover the art of living in the moment. Stafford's book is a heartfelt guide to disengaging from digital distractions and cherishing life's simple joys.

Key Insights:

  • The value of presence over productivity.

  • Strategies to reduce tech-induced stress.

  • Embracing imperfection in daily life.

  • The power of 'now' in building lasting memories.

Science/AI Corner


Games and Quizzes

Highlights from last Week's Posts. (In case You missed the action):

As we have entered December, the final chapter of 2023, let's focus on finishing strong. This isn't just about ending a year; it's about setting the stage for a fulfilling 2024- every new beginning springs from the lessons and achievements of the past.

The heart of my life's work: the 3xBs- Body, Brain, and Business. This triad stands at the core of my philosophy, where nurturing your physical well-being, cultivating a resilient and growth-oriented mindset, and developing robust business acumen converge. It's a holistic approach designed to empower You to achieve harmony and success in all facets of life.

Have Your Say I’m all ears! Your insights and stories are the spark that ignites this community. When You share your 'aha' moments or suggest new topics, You help shape our collective journey. So, don't hesitate to share your voice! It is the heartbeat of this newsletter.

Thank You for being a part of our community dedicated to holistic growth. I look forward to your feedback and stories of progress.

Warmly and with a smile,