Your First Step Towards Mastering Remote Work-Life Balance #9

Let's Shake Things Up!

Welcome and Happy Monday!

“Your Weekly 3xBs Dose” is not just another newsletter in your inbox. Here, you'll find ideas You can simply put into action directly. Think of it as your weekly dose of inspiration served with a side of real-world “wisdom.”

I’m Lotta Spjut, on the verge of celebrating a half-century of life, who believes in the power of sharing inspiring stories and practical advice.

If You were with me last week, I hope You took the time to test any tips I shared for boosting your body, brain and business. I shared about Reframing Stress- A New Approach for a Healthier You!

In this week's newsletter, we delve into:

  1. Revolutionizing Remote Work with the 3xBs Method: Discover how integrating Body, Brain, and Business can transform your remote work experience, increasing productivity and well-being.

  2. Exclusive Tips for Remote Professionals: Gain actionable insights with unique and simple tips to enhance your daily routine directly from the upcoming "21 Days to Empower Your Remote Life Challenge".

  3. Your Opportunity to Shape the Future: Learn about the exclusive chance to be among the first 50 testers of our new app, designed to be your personal guide in navigating the challenges of remote work.

🌟 Discover why taking charge of your own well-being is essential and how it intertwines with the 3xBs approach to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Here´s my sharing for this week. I hope You find something valuable for your life and business this week.

If you've ever ended your workday feeling drained, with no energy left for personal time or self-care, you're experiencing the challenge many remote professionals face today. It's a common story in our community: the delicate dance of balancing professional success with personal health and happiness.

In our relentless pursuit of professional success, it's easy to lose sight of what fuels our achievements - our health and well-being.

This week, I want to challenge the conventional narrative that glorifies perpetual busyness at the expense of our health.

Wealth Without Health: A Hollow Victory

The age-old adage, “Your body is your temple”, holds more truth now than ever. In the modern professional landscape, ignoring our well-being isn't just risky; it's unsustainable. 

I'm addressing this with insights into the '21 Days to Empower Your Remote Life Challenge.' This challenge is more than just a program; it begins a journey toward achieving a harmonious balance in your remote work life.

Why Settle for Just Success When You Can Have It All?

Here's the deal: work is great, achievements are fantastic, but if you're not feeling good, what's the point? I've been there, and after 25 years in the game, I figured something out - it's all about balance. Not the boring kind, but a lively, exciting balance that makes You enjoy the journey and not only survive it.

Why This Matters

Remote work shouldn't mean trading your well-being for professional gains. It's about thriving in all areas: Body, Brain, and Business. Our challenge focuses on real, tangible strategies to help you navigate the unique challenges of remote work, from time management to maintaining physical and mental health.

What You'll Gain

  • A Clear Path: Understand the steps to balance your work and personal life without compromise.

  • Practical Strategies: I’ve covered everything from quick, effective home workouts to mindfulness practices that fit your busy schedule.

  • Community Support: Join fellow remote professionals on the same journey, share experiences, and grow together.

The 3xBs Compass

Post-challenge, my upcoming app will serve as your guide, helping You maintain the balance you've achieved and continue to grow in all aspects of your life.

Your Future Self Will High-Five You

This isn't about a quick fix. This is about crafting a lifestyle where you're not only surviving, You are thriving. And it all starts with these small, daily actions.

  • Body: Let's get moving in fun, quick ways that fit into your day like a joyful break.

  • Brain: How about You give your mind a little love, too? A few quick tricks can make a world of difference.

  • Business: And, of course, You will boost your work game without the burnout.

Body Boosts

  • Stand up and stretch every hour. Yes, it's simple, but your body will love you for it. Try touching your toes or doing a quick twist.

  • Dance break! Who said work can't be fun? Put on your favorite tune and shake it for a minute. If You haven’t got your own playlist with empowering songs, create one!

Brain Recharges

  • Do a mini-meditation or deep-breathing exercise before that big meeting. Just 2 minutes can shift your entire mindset.

  • Swap your coffee for green tea in the afternoon. It's a gentler pick-me-up that's kinder to your brain.

Business Wins:

  • Write down your top 3 tasks for the day. Keep it focused and watch your productivity soar.

  • Celebrate small victories. Finished a task? Do a little victory dance or treat yourself to a five-minute break.

As we prepare for the challenge and the app launch, now is the perfect time to reflect on what balance means to You and how You can take proactive steps.

Book Tip: "The Power of Full Engagement"

Do You need a bit more inspiration? This book is a game-changer. It's not just about working smarter; it's about living better. Here’s a quick peek:

The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz teaches us how to manage our energy, not just our time, to be more productive and fulfilled. Discover how to improve your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy to reach your full potential.

  1. Energy trumps time. Let's manage it wisely.

  2. Find your rhythm - work, rest, play, repeat.

  3. Tiny habits have a big impact. Start small for big changes.

  4. Ignite your passion and let it drive You.

  5. Honesty is growth. Let's keep it real and keep growing.

Highlights from last Week's Posts. (In case You missed the action):

Something Big Is Brewing- Get Ready

Ready to take the first step? Keep your eyes peeled for the ’21 Days to Empower Your Remote Life Challenge’. it is just the beginning, and just around the corner, along with my app, ”BodyBrainBusiness 360,” that can revolutionize your daily grind. 

Want in? Fancy being one of the first 50 trailblazers and shaping this journey with me? Stay tuned.

Let's do this,

I wish You a day of strength, clarity and success!

P.S. Ready to jump off that treadmill and into a more balanced, energized life? Stay tuned for the big reveal. It will be epic, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.