The Liberating Art of Selective Indifference #7

Same as Not Giving a Sh*t!

Welcome to Your Space of Liberation!

“Your Weekly 3xBs Dose” is not just another newsletter in your inbox. Here, you'll find ideas You can simply put into action directly. Think of it as your weekly dose of inspiration served with a side of real-world “wisdom.”

I’m Lotta Spjut, on the verge of celebrating a half-century of life, who believes in the power of sharing inspiring stories and practical advice.

If You were with me last week, I hope You took the time to test any tips I shared for boosting your body, brain and business. I shared about Health and Responsibility - The Foundation of Well- Being.

In this week's newsletter, we delve into:

  1. The liberating art of selective indifference and its role in personal growth.

  2. Strategies for effectively saying "no" to enhance your quality of life.

  3. The impact of self-care and positive self-talk on your holistic well-being.

🌟 Discover why taking charge of your own well-being is essential and how it intertwines with the 3xBs approach to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Here´s my sharing for this week. I hope You find something valuable for your life and business this week.

𝐒𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐲

Standing with a falcon perched on my arm amid the endless dunes, I was reminded of the power and grace of selective indifference. This majestic bird, unburdened by the small concerns of the world below, embodies the essence of true freedom.

Just like the falcon in flight, embracing the art of not giving a sh*t allows us to rise above the trivial and focus on what truly elevates us. It's about prioritizing what matters most and letting go of what doesn't serve our journey.

Here's what we're diving into this week:

Ever wondered why "Don’t give a sh*t about things" can be more than just a catchy phrase? It's about making a conscious choice to focus on what truly matters.

🌟 It's Not About Neglect, It's About Prioritization

Let me clarify: it’s not about ignoring responsibilities or being insensitive. It’s about shedding the unnecessary burdens we place on ourselves - those things we tell ourselves are crucial but really add to our stress and feelings of inadequacy. Think of it as “Questioning Your Musts.”

The Practice of Selective Indifference

Here’s where it gets real. I’ve been practicing the art of not giving a sh*t about certain things. And guess what? It’s liberating!

🚫 Saying "Yes" Automatically: Start saying, “Thanks for asking, but I can’t this time.” Feel the difference.

🧺 Post-Laundry Pressure: Skip folding the laundry right after a long day. The world won’t end, I promise.

👥 Self-Comparison: Stop comparing and judging yourself. You are more than enough.

🏋️ Rigid Workout Mindsets: Exercise doesn’t have to be a certain way to 'count.' Be kind to yourself.

📅 Overplanning Evenings and Weekends: Embrace spontaneity. Not every moment needs a plan.

🔄 Forcing Unwanted Tasks: If you don’t want to, don’t have the energy for, or don’t need to do it - don’t.

🗣️ Negative Self-Talk: You’re not the worst. You’re enough, just as you are.

🤔 Instant "Yes" Replies: Take a moment to 'feel in' before responding. Your time, your rules.

🧼 Unnecessary Laundry: Wash selectively. It’s okay not to do it all.

Book Tip: 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson

In his book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," Mark Manson offers some groundbreaking perspectives:

Choose What Matters: Manson argues that life is about choices. What we decide to give a f*ck about is crucial. It’s not about being indifferent; it’s about being comfortable with being different.

The Value of Struggle: Manson believes that the struggle for something is where we find real value and meaning. Choose your struggles wisely.

The Importance of Saying No: It's about understanding and being okay with our limitations. Saying no to more means you can say yes to the right things.

Honesty and Acceptance: Accepting and being honest about our flaws is liberating. Embrace your imperfections.

Commitment to Values: Manson emphasizes committing to honesty, creativity, and persistence rather than chasing superficial successes.

Manson's approach aligns perfectly with our journey of self-liberation. 

The 3xBs Approach to Selective Indifference

Body: Embrace selective indifference by listening to your body's need for rest and relaxation, not just its need for movement and activity. Recognize when to push and when to pause, ensuring your physical well-being is optimized without unnecessary stress.

Brain: Apply selective indifference to your mental health by filtering the influx of information and emotional stimuli. Prioritize mental activities that foster growth and peace, and consciously choose to disengage from thoughts and behaviors that do not serve your mental wellness.

Business: In the realm of business, selective indifference means focusing on tasks and goals that align with your core values and vision. Learn to delegate or disregard lesser priorities that distract from your business's mission, fostering a more streamlined and purpose-driven professional life.

Reflecting and Acting with Purpose

Embrace the Highs and Lows

This week, I challenge You to join me. Try not giving a sh*t about these things and see how it feels. 

The goal? To find a balance that brings joy, not pressure.

Let’s Do This Together!

How about it? Ready to join me in this liberating journey? Share your experiences and let's celebrate the highs and the lows together.

Highlights from last Week's Posts. (In case You missed the action):

🌱 Your Turn to Not Give a Sh*t!

Embrace your freedom. Test out this approach this week and share your stories with me. Let’s redefine what’s truly important.

Exciting Announcement!

And speaking of journeys, I have exciting news! 

My new app, designed to revolutionize your holistic growth, is on the horizon. It brings the essence of the 3xBs Method – Body, Brain, Business – right to your fingertips. Stay tuned for more updates!

Until next time, keep finding your space!

P.S. Remember, it’s about finding joy and peace in our choices.

I wish You a day of strength, clarity and success!