Start 2024 with Realistic Goals #5

Your 3xBs Guide

Happy New Year! 🎉

“Your Weekly 3xBs Dose” is not just another newsletter in your inbox. Here, you'll find ideas You can simply put into action directly. Think of it as your weekly dose of inspiration served with a side of real-world “wisdom.”

I’m Lotta Spjut, on the verge of celebrating a half-century of life, who believes in the power of sharing inspiring stories and practical advice.

If You were with me last week, I hope You took the time to test any tips I shared in Your 3xBs Guide to a Proactive Life, where we explored what it truly means to live proactively, practical strategies to strengthen your body, brain, and business, and easy, actionable steps to start your proactive transformation today.

HereÂŽs my sharing for this week. I hope You find something valuable for your life and business this week.

As we welcome 2024, I want to share some thoughts and tips that could make this year truly impactful for you. Remember, it’s not about a complete overhaul; it’s about making mindful, realistic changes.

If you're feeling pressure to be "off to the races" in this first week, this is your reminder that you do not have to reinvent yourself. Often, the most impactful changes are slow, consistent, and steady. So, if your first week of 2024 felt more like an extended holiday, that's okay. It might even be the boost you need for a fantastic year ahead.‹‹I have done it and finally feel the energy to take on the new year.

New Year: A Fresh Perspective, Not a New You

New Year! New start! New life! New me!‹‹Do You recognize that? The idea of a "New Year, New Me" is energizing, but remember, the initial enthusiasm can fade. What's crucial is creating a health routine that sticks – not just for this year but for many to come.‹‹

Now and then, the typical periods appear, especially with a new year, and we start to think about changing our lives and becoming a ”healthy person” or similar.

There’s nothing wrong with that; I want to remind you that the person who can help You most in this situation is You.

It’s so easy to scan everything around us in chasing inspiration and finding the keys to help us find this balance this time. We get tempted to test new trends and do what we saw worked great for others.

Listen to Yourself

The key to lasting change?

Talking to yourself. Reflect on your past health journeys.

Ask yourself:  

What changes did I make that weren't sustainable?

How did these changes make me feel? Pressured? Happy? Inadequate?

Were my ambitions too high for my schedule?

What valuable lessons did I learn from my previous attempts at health improvement?

Suppose You have considered changing everything directly and scheduling five training days each week, stopping eating sugar, eating five meals per day, having green smoothies for breakfast, and testing a new training form- all simultaneously. ‹‹


One Change at a Time

This year, consider making just one small change at a time. It's not about overhauling your life overnight. Reflect on what you've done before and how You want to feel.

This time, learn from yourself and let your best inspiration be your experiences. When you're clear on what You need, You can seek specific inspiration and guidance. Remember, the best change comes from understanding and listening to yourself.

The 3xBs Concept

đŸƒâ€â™‚ïž Body: One Step at a Time

  • Simple Tip: If you're new to regular exercise, start with something as straightforward as a daily 10-minute walk. Gradually increase the duration as it becomes a habit.

  • Why It Works: Consistent, small physical activities are easier to maintain and can significantly improve your overall health without feeling overwhelmed.

🧠 Brain: Mindful Moments

  • Simple Tip: Dedicate the first 10 minutes of your morning to mindfulness. This could be meditating, writing in a journal, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of tea.

  • Why It Works: A calm start sets a positive tone for the day, reducing stress and improving focus and creativity.

đŸ’Œ Business: Reflect and Strategize

  • Simple Tip: Spend 30 minutes each week reviewing your business goals and the steps you’ve taken towards them. Adjust your strategies based on what you’ve learned.

  • Why It Works: Regular reflection helps identify what’s working and what isn’t and allows for timely adjustments, keeping you on track toward your business objectives.

🌟 Embracing the Year Ahead

Let's approach 2024 with a mindset of growth and self-compassion. It's about creating sustainable habits, listening to our needs, and making adjustments that resonate with our personal and professional lives.

Your Thoughts Matter

I'd love to hear about the small steps You plan to take this year. Feel free to reply to this email or join the conversation on my LinkedIn post.

Here’s to a year of meaningful, achievable changes!

I wish You a year of strength, clarity and success!