Thank You for being here with me from the start! #1

Everything has a beginning

Welcome aboard!

I'm thrilled you're here, and I will do my best to give You the value You need to be here when celebrating the one-year anniversary. “Your Weekly 3xBs Dose” is not just another newsletter in your inbox. Here, you'll find ideas You can simply put into action directly. Think of it as your weekly dose of inspiration served with a side of real-world “wisdom.”

I’m Lotta Spjut, on the verge of celebrating a half-century of life, who believes in the power of sharing inspiring stories and practical advice.

The heart of my life's work: the 3xBs- Body, Brain, and Business. This triad stands at the core of my philosophy, where nurturing your physical well-being, cultivating a resilient and growth-oriented mindset, and developing robust business acumen converge. It's a holistic approach designed to empower You to achieve harmony and success in all facets of life.

With each edition of this newsletter, I aim to deliver targeted insights and actionable strategies that span these fundamental pillars, guiding You to build a stronger, smarter, and more successful version of yourself.

Life is a journey; my professional one has been more like a thrilling rollercoaster in education and entrepreneurship. Over 25 years, I've donned many hats – from a teacher and a regional chairman for one of Sweden's biggest teacher organizations to a CEO who switches on Sia's 'Unstoppable' when I need a surge of can-do energy. As a Business Coach, I believe a healthy dose of rock resilience can make even the most demanding business challenges a head-banging hit.

Today, I will take You back to a moment when I faced a challenging decision. It was a crossroads between choosing the safe path or venturing into the unknown – a situation we often encounter in our personal and professional lives.

This first edition will be longer than the future ones. I know that every minute counts, and respect your time.

"Building a business isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows, but knowing that they are part of the journey allows You to enjoy the process and incorporate your business’s struggles into a life You can enjoy"

~ Pat Flynn

This Week's Slice of Life

Are you willing to do what 95% of people aren't ready to do to achieve what most want but only 5% have?

My adventure started 17 years ago with a chance encounter that led to a huge choice – leaving my secure teaching position to jump headfirst into starting my own business.

Let's rewind to November 2006, a pivotal moment that started a new chapter in my life. At that time, I had been a teacher for many years, instructing both middle school students and university courses. I've always been an avid learner, which led me to study for a master's degree on top of my teaching responsibilities. In the evenings, I ran health & nutrition courses and worked as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant. It was a busy schedule, especially with an eight-year-old child at home.

Sometimes, the most unexpected encounters lead to life-changing events. One day in November 2006, I met a woman in a store, and that meeting became the catalyst for starting my own business. Initially, it wasn't the plan, but that's a story for another time. After five months, I leaped and left my teaching job to focus entirely on my business.

Was it an easy decision? Yes and no. Yes, because I saw many positives, such as the flexibility to work from anywhere and set my own hours. No, because many around me thought I was crazy to leave a "real and secure job" for the uncertainty of entrepreneurship.

Today, I'm grateful I didn't listen to all the "advice" about what to do and what not to do.

Resigning from my traditional job to focus on my business was initially paralyzing. I was gripped by fear and doubt. I remember thinking, "What have I done?" and worrying about whether the naysayers were right. After expressing my doubts to my mentor, she reassured me, saying, "Congratulations, this is totally normal! I know exactly what you're going through."

Everyone who decides to try something new experiences the whirlwind of emotions known as the 'feeling wheel.' You'll encounter a cycle with each new decision, but with time, You learn to navigate it more swiftly.

Transitioning from a packed schedule to focusing solely on one thing was a significant shift. I went from being an employee with clear expectations to being my own boss and employee.

I had always been teachable, eager to follow in the footsteps of those who came before me. This openness to learning is a crucial skill for transitioning from the 95% to the 5%.

I started to ask: Are You willing to do the things 95% aren't, to have the life most people desire but only 5% achieve? What are those desires? Surveys often reveal a top list of aspirations:

  • Happiness: The biggest challenge is not knowing what You want to do.

  • Money: The biggest obstacle is lacking the resources to achieve your desires.

  • Freedom: The hardest part is finding your 'true purpose' or feeling passionate about your day-to-day work.

  • Peace: The challenge is finding clarity in your identity and purpose.

  • Joy: The difficulty lies in discovering the right role or position that brings joy to your work.

What more does the 5% do differently? Being a business owner offers freedom under responsibility. Over the past 17 years, I've seen many seize new opportunities, moving from the 95% to the 5%. It all comes down to what we do with our opportunities.

When I chose to leave the security of traditional employment, many offered their opinions, which they framed as advice.

So, whom should I listen to? I've found there are three types of advice-givers:

  1. Those with no experience and little knowledge often have the most to say.

  2. Those who may have some experience but didn't follow through, often due to missing key elements that I'll discuss shortly.

  3. Those with extensive experience who have faced and overcome challenges. They know the daily routines necessary for success and have wisdom to impart.

The first two types are often driven by fear- fear of success, fear of failure, and fear of the new. They are not in a position to be teachable but believe they can instruct others despite their lack of experience. When you're mired in fear, You tend not to want others to undertake what you're afraid to do yourself.

Fear is a response to a thought. Negative thoughts like "I can't do it" or "It's not for me" lead to negative feelings, leading to actions- or, in this case, inaction- resulting in stagnation.

I choose to take advice from those who are where I want to be, those who have walked the walk before me.

Another pitfall is the tendency to compare ourselves to others. In my first month of business, I wondered why I wasn't seeing the same results as others. I realized I was comparing myself to those with far more experience. Such comparisons only led to excuses and inaction.

So, what more sets the 5% apart? They do simple and small daily tasks- so straightforward that most overlook them.

Creating a work structure for my own business was easier said than done. I learned that I needed to start with knowing my 'why.'

This applies to every aspect of life, from deciding why You go to work (beyond just earning money) to understanding why You want to improve your health.

For instance, consider training. In consulting and coaching with numerous clients on training and nutrition, I've seen firsthand the power of having a strong 'why.' You don't just buy a gym membership and hope for the best; You buy it because you're motivated by clear reasons- whether it's to become stronger, not to feel exhausted, to gain or lose weight, or another personal goal that resonates with You.

The same principle applies to your business. Understanding your WHY is crucial. You're unlikely to break into the 5% without a compelling reason driving your business ventures.

Setting SMART goals that aligned with my why was the next step. Say you've invested in that gym membership. What's the long-term goal? Running 5 km in 30 minutes or lifting 60 kg in the bench press ten times? Now, decide on the timeline to achieve this. Will it be ten weeks or ten years?

Similarly, what do You aspire to achieve for your business within the next year or five years? Breaking this into yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily objectives crystallizes your action plan.

Without such goals and timelines, you're bound to remain amongst the 95% who never quite reach their potential.

Once I had my goals, I crafted an action plan. Let´s take the gym membership as an example again. How often will You visit the gym, and what routines will You follow? Just as You can't only train your biceps and expect overall fitness, You can't focus on just one aspect of your business and anticipate comprehensive growth.

"Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare"

~ Japanese proverb

Before embracing entrepreneurship, I was unfamiliar with effective time management. It was easy to say, "I'm too busy; I don't have time." However, we all have the same 168 hours each week- how we use them counts.

Every evening, as the 'boss,' I compiled a list of the six most crucial tasks for the next day. As the 'employee,’ I worked through these tasks methodically the following morning. This system prevented me from getting sidetracked and ensured I completed each task before moving on to the next.

My business requires the same level of planning. Establish my working hours and identify the critical daily actions to propel myself toward my goals.

Sounds straightforward. It's simple but not necessarily easy, and this simplicity distinguishes the 5% from the 95%. It's deceptively easy to overlook the simple actions, but these often lead to success.

Finally, I regularly review and adjust my plan. Just as buying a gym membership doesn't guarantee health, starting a business doesn't guarantee success. It's what You do with these tools that matters.

Having my own business is a fantastic opportunity to achieve happiness, wealth, freedom, peace, and joy- the things most people desire. The pace and extent of my progress are up to me, and yours is up to You.

I now find myself nearing the 5% (some days not at all, though these days are also part of the journey), a journey that didn't happen overnight and is ongoing. It's a daily growth, change, and learning process.

Many people today are seeking change. If that's You, here´s a summary and links to where I go deeper:

  • Understand that the 'feeling wheel' is a normal process part. Link

  • Remember TFAR. Link

  • Take advice from those You would want to switch places with.

  •  Don't compare yourself to others- let their success inspire You. Link

  • Have a strong and clear why. Link

  • Set clear SMART goals and break them down into actionable steps. Link

  • Follow your action plan.

  • Review and adjust your actions as needed. Link

  • Time is limited- Apply time management so You use your time wisely. Link

  • These steps are tied together by a willingness to learn, change, and grow. Link

Embrace this mindset, and welcome to the 5%, a group that achieves what the majority desires but doesn't attain because they're unwilling to do the necessary work. Now that You know, You can start today with where You are, what You can, and what You have.

Remember, there's little competition at the top, so why not You?

KISS (Keep It Short & Simple) 3xBs Tips


Highlights from last Week's Posts. (In case You missed the action):

Have Your Say I’m all ears! Your insights and stories are the spark that ignites this community. When You share your 'aha' moments or suggest new topics, You help shape our collective journey. So, don't hesitate to share your voice! It is the heartbeat of this newsletter.

Remember, it's one thing to hold knowledge but a whole new adventure to put into action. That's where the true enchantment lies.

I look forward to growing, learning, and celebrating each victory with You,

Warmly and with a smile,