Unlocking the keys to building a profitable business as an entrepreneur đź’ˇ

Summary of bestselling author Pat Flynn's "Will it fly? - How to test your next business idea so you don´t waste your time and money"

Being an entrepreneur can be daunting, though it doesn't have to be. The most crucial aspect is understanding the fundamentals. Here's a step-by-step approach to help You get started on the right foot.

As an entrepreneur, you're full of ideas. Some are new, while others have been brewing in your mind, maybe for years. You may have jotted down a few words on a napkin or filled notebooks with detailed plans.

Ideas take over our minds, becoming all-consuming, regardless of what is happening in our lives. It's like a sudden burst of energy, almost like a lightning bolt.

Failure is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey, but taking the time to validate your ideas before you invest time and resources into them can make all the difference. Can You imagine working tirelessly on an idea for years, only to find out it won't work? This book is designed to prevent that from happening and to guide you toward a successful and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

When people get ideas, they get possessed by those ideas that take up most human brain space. Imagine working on an idea for years only to realize it won’t work. This book stops you from taking entrepreneurial actions you’ll regret. But, even more importantly, it will lead You directly to take steps to make your entrepreneurial journey a blissful success.

Being an entrepreneur is about living life on your terms. You have the power to shape your life and create your own success story. Of course, it's not always easy, but you grow and refine your ideas through challenges and setbacks.

"Building a business isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows, but knowing that they are part of the journey allows you to enjoy the process and incorporate your business’s struggles into a life you can enjoy" ~ Pat Flynn

When building a successful business, it's important to consider how it aligns with your lifestyle and personal values. Don't just focus on the market potential; think about how your business idea supports your overall goals and aspirations.

"Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare" ~ Japanese proverb

Your past can help You build a successful business

To ensure that your business idea aligns with your personal goals, take time to reflect on who You are, what's important to You, and what your future self looks like. Here's a simple exercise to help you:

  1. Get a piece of paper and divide it into four quadrants.

  2. Identify the four most important aspects of your life (e.g., family, career, finances, health, love).

  3. Place each category at the top of each quadrant.

  4. In each category, list all the fantastic things you want to achieve in the next five years.

By taking this time to understand your future self, you'll be able to make informed decisions about your business idea and ensure it aligns with your goals and values.

Looking into the future is essential, but so is reflecting on your past experiences. It's a crucial step in the journey of self-discovery, helping You understand yourself and what You genuinely want from life.

Pat Flynn wisely says, "By looking at your previous jobs — or even volunteer experience — and considering what You liked about them or didn’t, You get to discover interesting patterns about yourself."

To begin this journey, grab a sheet of paper and follow these steps:

  • Write down your first job (or any experience you've consistently contributed to)

  • Note the time frame during which you did the job

  • Write down three things You enjoyed about the job

  • Recall a favorite memory related to the work

  • List what You didn't like about the job

Give the job/experience a rating based on how much You enjoyed it.
Repeat this process with two more life experiences and observe the patterns between them. Then, ask yourself these three questions:

  • What motivates You the most about your work?

  • How does your answer reflect what You do now?

  • Finally, how can You shape your future business to allow You to enjoy your work and stay motivated?

Your answers will help You understand the kind of work involved in the direction you're considering and set yourself up for success. It's a crucial step in the journey of self-discovery, helping You understand yourself and what You genuinely want from life.

"By looking at your previous jobs or even volunteer experience and considering what You liked about them or didn’t, You get to discover interesting patterns about yourself" - Pat Flynn

Your answers will help You understand the kind of work involved in your direction of You.

Mind mapping helps You get the ideas down, so You don’t forget them

As entrepreneurs, our brains are always buzzing with ideas, but unfortunately, our minds can only focus on one thing at a time. That's why it's easy to forget about great ideas we've had if we take the time to capture them. Enter mind mapping, a powerful tool every entrepreneur should master.

"A mind map is simply a visual representation of our thoughts,
and it’s an extremely clever and useful way to organize those thoughts and discover meaningful patterns and relationships." - Pat Flynn

Mind mapping allows You to group your thoughts together, creating hierarchies and making sense of the chaos in your mind. You can create your mind map on paper or electronically, but the key is letting your ideas flow without thinking about editing.

Set a timer for 10 minutes, write down everything related to your idea, then edit and categorize your thoughts. When it comes to presenting your mind map to others, it's important to turn it into something easily understood.

  • Start by writing a one-page summary

  • Condense it into a paragraph, and finally

  • Distill it into one sentence that accurately conveys your idea

You're going to translate your mind map into something easily understood. Writing a one-page summary allows You to expand on your ideas and turn your mind map into something tangible. From there, condense it into a paragraph and focus on what your audience needs to know to understand your idea fully. Finally, distill your thoughts into one sentence, which may take some time to perfect, though the result will be worth it.

Your ideas need to be shared with people and adjusted from the feedback

Sharing your idea with others is a key aspect of refining it. It can be nerve-wracking to put yourself out there, especially if you're not comfortable with receiving criticism. But it's important to remember that negative feedback is a normal part of the entrepreneurial journey and shouldn't stop You from moving forward.

"Challenge yourself to talk to at least ten people about your target idea"
- Pat Flynn

Start with people You trust who will provide valuable feedback, and then branch out to people You have yet to meet. When sharing your idea, approach the conversation confidently and let it speak for itself. And when listening to feedback, be conscious and present in the conversation, listen without interrupting, and pay attention to body language and intonation in addition to the words being spoken.

It's important to keep in mind that positive feedback doesn't guarantee success. Even if people love your idea, it may translate to something other than actual purchases or subscribers. However, getting feedback can help you improve and work on your idea further. And depending on your business type, you can get paid for your idea before it’s fully functional. So don't be afraid to share and get feedback - it can only lead to better things for your entrepreneurial journey.

Are you hesitant to start your entrepreneurial journey because you're afraid of failure or someone else has already taken your idea? Don't be! As Pat Flynn says, "Don't let that stop You."

Research your target market and add your unique dimension to it

It's common to find businesses or products similar to your development, but that shouldn't discourage you. Please take it as an opportunity to learn from what's already working and what's not. Research your target market thoroughly and find your unique position in that space to stand out.

To help you get started, focus on finding the 3 P's within your market: Places, People, and Products.

First, find out where your target audience resides online and get their feedback directly. Then, identify existing authorities your target audience trusts to get insights into what appeals to them. Finally, look at what your audience buys to determine what offerings already exist and what could be added.

After your research, you'll be able to see what's missing and what You can do to add value to the existing community. Then, you can make your entrepreneurial journey a blissful success with the right approach and determination.

Understand your target market better by developing a highly effective customer profile

As an entrepreneur, it's essential to have a deep understanding of your target customer, as they're the ones who will be paying for your products. To accomplish this, you can create a Customer P.L.A.N., a tool that helps You connect your business idea with your audience.

A Customer P.L.A.N is divided into four sections - problems, language, anecdotes, and needs. To get started, You can add a page to your spreadsheet titled P.L.A.N and create columns for each category.

The problems section should focus on identifying the pain points of your target customer. This is crucial because a business idea solves your target audience’s problem. To extract the pain, You can get in touch with your customer, ask open-ended questions, or even conduct an online survey.

The language section is about understanding the language your target customer uses to communicate their pains and aspirations. When You can learn the language of your audience, you'll be able to connect with them better, build trust, and stand out from the competition.

Anecdotes are powerful tools in your business arsenal. They're short, interesting stories that can greatly impact how your audience relates to and responds to your content and promotions. When You listen to the stories of your target audience, you'll be able to feel what they feel, making You more committed to serving them.

Lastly, the needs section is about identifying an unsatisfactory aspect of your target customer's life and creating a solution to it. Once You have your P.L.A.N in place, you'll be fully equipped to come up with ideas that fulfill the needs of your target customer.

In summary, taking the time to understand your target customer through the use of a Customer P.L.A.N will allow you to better connect with them and, ultimately, have a successful and profitable business.

It will be essential that You, as an entrepreneur, know the value of validation

Making a mistake when building a business is never ideal, but building it based on someone's word is the second worst thing You can do. Understanding that people’s words and actions don’t always align is crucial. That's why validating your idea is so important. Not only does it ensure financial success, but it also has other benefits that will make you a better entrepreneur.

"Even if your pre-sale fails to generate even one purchase,
You will still have a clear direction to move forward" - Pat Flynn

You’ll receive valuable feedback when You validate your idea and can adjust accordingly. Plus, you'll get early experience in selling, which will prepare You for future launches.

Before launching your product or service, You validate your idea by inviting your target customers to invest

Getting investment upfront is another benefit of validation. It gives You an income, helps pay for the development, and can be why others support your idea. and when You see financial proof of people's interest in your business, it will motivate You to work hard and follow through on your promises.

To validate your product, start by testing its potential appeal to investors and customers. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Reach your target audience - Advertise on platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook, or Twitter to reach your target market. Even if your product is unavailable, You can track clicks on your ads to gauge interest. You can also write guest articles on forums related to your idea to add value and attract attention. Crowdfunding can also be a good platform for validation.

  2. Hyper-target your audience - Find individuals in your target market who express interest in your product. This can be through comments, clicks, downloads, subscriptions, personal emails, or even phone calls.

  3. Engage and share - Engage with the people who have shown interest and build trust. You can do this through in-person interactions, video calls, phone calls, private messages, or direct emails.

  4. Ask for a transaction - You might feel uncomfortable asking for funds before you’ve built your product. Be honest with your customer. You have your customer’s attention because You have shared your plan and explained the value. To identify the people who want to buy your product, You can either place a link on your website or send an email ask ng them to buy your product in advance. Your idea is good to go if You receive 10% positive responses. If not, ask for feedback and keep improving.

"Validation is important, but don't take any replies personally"- Pat Flynn

Negative comments are a part of the process, though don't let them discourage You. Keep pushing through and focus on improving your business and helping others.


Congratulations on taking the time to understand your target market and audience! Moving forward, embrace the journey and embrace the inevitable ups and downs. Remember, business success is about creating genuine connections with people - it's all about P2P and less about B2C and B2B.

If you're starting out, could you take this as a call to action to turn your ideas into a reality? And for those who are already established, take the insights from this journey and use them to elevate your business even further.

Remember, every small win is worth celebrating as You grow your entrepreneurial journey. And always prioritize your customers - they're your gold. No matter how many You have, treat each one as if they're the only one.

Remember, your goal is always to serve your target customers in the best way possible. Create memorable and delightful experiences for them, and watch as they become loyal fans.

Stay true to your why and stay mindful of your entrepreneurial spirit. Never become complacent, and always strive for improvement. Challenges are a part of the journey, though, with a strong support system by your side, You can overcome them and relish the ride.


1/ Being an entrepreneur can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. The most crucial aspect is understanding the fun amenities.

2/ Having an idea is just the first step. The real deal is committing to taking action and e ecuting it. But getting it right can be tricky. So embrace the struggles as part of the journey and enjoy the process.

3/ To better understand yourself, look at your previous jobs or volunteer experience and consider what You liked or didn't like. This can help You discover exciting patterns ab ut yourself.

4/ A mind map is a helpful tool for organizing your thoughts and discovering meaningful patterns. It's a visual representation of your ideas and can be a great starting point for your business.

5/ To validate your idea, talk to at least ten people about it. You may find other businesses or products similar to yours, but don't let that discourage you.

6/ A Customer P.L.A.N (Problems, Language, Anecdotes, Needs) can help You understand your target audience and what they want from your business.

7/ As you start to see progress, momentum will build, and you'll gain the confidence You need to sell. But remember, validation is essential, but don t take any negative feedback personally.

8/ Building a business is not always sunshine and rainbows, but with the right approach and a clear understanding of the fundamentals, You can create a highly profitable business. Best of success on your entrepreneurial journey!

This summary gives You the highlights and tools. I do recommend reading the full book. You find it here: Will it fly?